Rates subject to provisions that consignor is to load and/or consignee is to unload the shipment are subject to the following provisions:
- At time of shipment, a notation must be made on the bill of lading and the shipping order by the consignor, that consignor is to load and/or consignee is to unload the shipment. This requirement will not apply when entire shipment consists of freight in a single container, freight secured to pallets, platforms or lift truck skids, or freight in any other authorized form of shipment, each unit weighing 500 pounds or more tendered for shipment (loading required by consignor and unloading required by consignee per NMF 100 Item 568).
- The complete loading and/or unloading of the freight, including the count thereof, must be performed by the shipper and/or consignee at his expense, without any assistance from Carrier. The Carrier's employee and power unit are to be released while loading and/or unloading is performed. At Carrier's option, the Carriers employee and power unit may remain during loading or unloading but will render no assistance in loading or unloading.
- The complete loading service includes (a) the loading of the freight into or on the Carriers vehicle and the stowing and arranging thereof, and (b) furnishing and installing any temporary blocking, flooring or lining, racks, standards, strips, stakes or similar bracing, dunnage or supports not constituting a shipping carrier, container or package, or a part of the vehicle when required to protect and make shipments secure for transportation. The complete unloading service means that the consignee must remove the freight from position in which it is transported in or on the Carriers vehicle.
- On mixed shipments, when any portion of the freight is required to be loaded or unloaded by shipper and/or consignee as a condition precedent to the application of the rate, the entire shipment must be loaded and/or unloaded by the shipper or consignee, otherwise the rate will not apply and rates otherwise published will be assessed.
- In the event the shipment is stopped-off for partial loading or partial unloading, the party or parties tendering or receiving any portion of the shipment will be subject to the requirements as to loading or unloading.
- If the consignor or any party tendering any portion of the shipment refuses to perform the loading, or if the consignee or any party receiving any portion of the shipment refuses to perform the unloading, the rate will not apply and rates otherwise published will be assessed.