ITEM 900 Stopoffs

A single shipment, upon which charges are based on 20,000 pounds or more may be stopped for partial loading or partial unloading, subject to the following provisions:

    1. (a) After initial pick up stop at origin, and prior to final delivery stop at destination, a shipment may be stopped for the purpose of picking up or delivering component parts of a single shipment at origin, at points en route to destination, or at destination

    2. Pick up or delivery service may be performed at additional loading or unloading sites at origin, destination or intermediate stopoff points, within the continuous private property at the place of the party receiving the service. Continuous private property may be intersected by no more than one public street or thoroughfare.

    3. The greatest mileage between any point of loading and any point of unloading will determine the point of origin and the point of destination for the application of this rule. All mileage shall be computed by use of the Household Goods Carriers Mileage Guide.


    1. Except as provided in Paragraph (b) of the general provisions, each stopoff is limited to one setting of the truck in accordance with Item 750 (Pick up or Delivery Service).

    2. On joint line traffic stopoff privileges apply only when the entire shipment is delivered to one connecting carrier or, if stopoffs have already been accorded, when the entire remaining portion of the shipment is delivered to one connecting carrier.

    3. Stopoffs for partial loading, or partial unloading, will not be permitted on shipments moving COD, IN BOND, TO ORDER, ORDER-NOTIFY, ORDER CARE OF, APPOINTMENT FREIGHT, nor on which Section 7 of the bill of lading has been executed.

    4. The substitution of freight for that originally loaded or any exchange of contents at a point or place of stopoff is prohibited.

    5. All of the component parts of a shipment must be loaded and in transit before any stop is made for partial unloading.

    6. This item will not apply on containerized shipments moving as one unit of freight, whether or wheeled trailers or containers or other than in wheeled trailers or containers.

    1. The initial pick up stop and the final delivery stop are not subject to stopoff charges.

    2. Except as provided in Paragraphs (d) and (e), each stop for either partial loading or partial unloading, not both, will be subject to a stopoff charge of:
      $122.50 per stop for not more than three stops.
      $153.00 for each stop in excess of three stops.
    3. A shipment receiving both services (partial loading and partial unloading) will be subject to a stopoff charge of $122.50 per stop.

    4. Each stop at piers or wharves for partial loading or partial unloading will be subject to a stopoff charge of $153.00 per stop.

    5. Except as provided in paragraph 1(d) above, each stop at additional loading or unloading sites, as outlined in paragraph 1(b), will be subject to a charge of $49.40 per stop. This charge is in addition to the charges provided in Paragraphs (b) and (c) above.

    6. No stopoffs allowed on trailers less than 40 in length unless the stop is within the city limits of the same city as the final destination.

    7. Unless agreed upon by Carrier prior to shipment, no appointments are allowed on stopoffs.

    1. Charges shall be determined on the basis of the minimum weight, or actual weight, if greater, of the entire shipment at the rate or rates applicable:
      (1) from the point of initial origin or
      (2) from any intermediate point where shipment is stopped for partial loading
      (3) to any intermediate point where shipment is stopped for partial unloading, or
      (4) to the point of final destination from and to which the highest charges are applicable.

    2. If the total distance from initial origin to final destination, that distance in excess of 100% will be charged for at the rate of $4.70 per mile. All mileages shall be computed by the use of HGB Mileage Guide. The greatest mileage between any point of loading and any point of unloading will determine (initial point of origin and the point of final destination for the purpose of applying this circuit provision and determining the excess mileage, if any, and the charge thereof.

    All charges must be prepaid by consignor or shipper and only one freight bill will be issued for the entire shipment. however, charges may be collect when they are guaranteed by the consignor and so notated on the bill of lading at the time of shipment, all charges to be collected from the consignee at final destinations.

    When bill of lading requires stopoff to unload a component part of the shipment and Carrier is unable during business hours to effect delivery of such freight at the point or place of stopoff, that undelivered portion of such shipment shall then be subject to rules and regulations governing unclaimed freight, storage and redelivery of freight, to the extent that such services are applicable.

    Except where shipment consists of identical packages or pieces, or where the various lots of freight comprising the shipment are of such nature as to be easily identified and segregated, each piece or package in any shipment stopped for partial unloading must be plainly and durably marked, stenciled or tagged by shipper in such manner that each lot of freight intended for delivery at a particular point or place of stopoff will be readily distinguishable from all other freight in the shipment.

    For carriers convenience, any portion of the shipment may be picked up, transported, or delivered in separate trucks and all portions of the shipment need not be transported through the stopoff point or points.

    1. Arrangements for any stopoff service provided in this item must be made with the originating Carrier before shipment, or any portion thereof, is tendered for transportation.

    2. The entire shipment must be available for pick up at time of tender.

    3. The shipper must tender the part lots in the order required by the carrier.

    4. The party or parties authorized and designated by the shipper to accept, or tender freight, at a point or place of stopoff, may be the same, or other than the billed consignee.

    5. The bill of lading shall designate the following:
      1) Stopoff point or points and places;
      2) The weight, quantities, markings and description of articles to be loaded or unloaded;
      3) The name and address of the party authorized to tender freight, or to accept freight for unloading, at point or place of stopoff.


    1. Also applicable in connection with mixed shipments. (See Item 640 Mixed Shipments).

    2. This rule will also apply on a class or exception rated shipment of an article or articles subject to class 150 or higher with charges based on 10,000 pounds or more.