ITEM 685 High Cost Delivery/Ferry Charge - zip codes 27960, 70538, 33109 and 33139 |
Shipments originating from or destined to zips 27960 and 70538 will be subject to a per shipment ferry/high cost delivery surcharge. The surcharge is $5.25 per 100 pounds, subject to a minimum charge of $52.50 and a maximum charge of $500.00 per shipment. Shipments originating from or destined to zips 33109 and 33139 will be subject to a per shipment ferry/high cost delivery surcharge of $225.00. This surcharge will be in addition to all other applicable rates and charges. This surcharge will be added to the freight bill as a separate line item. The surcharge will be billed to the party responsible for payment of the linehaul charges (payor). |