AFB | Air Force Base |
a/k/a (aka) | Also known as |
AQ | Any quantity |
ATA | American Trucking Association, Inc. |
Auth | Authority |
C | Denotes 100 pounds |
CN | Canada |
c/o | Care of |
COD | Collect on delivery |
Col | Column |
Conc | Concluded |
Cont | Continued |
CR | Certificate of Registration |
Cwt | Per 100 pounds |
Cy | County |
d/b/a (dba) | Doing business as |
Dkt | Docket |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
E | East |
HGB | Household Goods Carriers Bureau |
Hwy | Highway |
Jct | Junction |
KD | Knocked down |
KDF | Knocked down first |
LTL | Less Than Truckload |
M | Denotes thousand pounds |
MC | Minimum charge |
M.C.C. (MCC) | Motor common carrier |
MF | Motor Freight |
Min | Minimum |
MT (Mt) | Mount |
MW | Minimum weight in pounds, except as otherwise provided |
MX | Mexico |
N | North |
NMF (NMFC) | National Motor Freight Classification |
NMFTA | National Motor Freight Transportation Association, Inc. |
NO | Number |
NOS | Numbers |
NOI | Not otherwise more specifically described in NMFC |
OZ | Ounce |
PAR | Parish |
PCF | Per cubic foot |
Saia | Saia Motor Freight Line, LLC |
S | South |
Sec | Section |
SMC | Southern Motor Carriers |
SPLC | Standard point location code |
STB | Surface Transportation Board |
SU | Set-up |
Sup | Supplement |
SLC | Shipper load and count |
STC | Said to contain |
Thru | Through |
TL | Truckload |
UTC | Unable to count |
Viz | Namely |
VMW | Volume minimum weight in pounds, except as otherwise noted |
Vol | Volume |
Vol min wt | Volume minimum weight |
W | West |
Wt | Weight |