ITEM 1020B Xtreme Assurance


Saia Xtreme Assurance (XA) is a guarantee of shipments going to Walmart Distribution Center and/or Sam's Distribution Center (DC) locations for those eligible customers. The guarantee only applies to the on-time delivery portion of a shipment.


The charge for Xtreme Assurance (XA) will be 30% of the net freight charges subject to a $50.00 minimum charge per shipment.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Customer must be registered by a Saia Account Executive (sales representative) to participate. Written confirmation will be supplied to the customer by Saia.

  2. For shipments tendered on or after August 1, 2017, subject to the terms and conditions of this guarantee, Carrier will, at its option, refund to Customer or credit Customer's account the transportation charges, including accessorials and fuel surcharge requested by the debtor, if Carrier fails to meet the on-time delivery of the Saia Xtreme Assurance guarantee, subject to certain exclusions. Charges for full value coverage will not be refunded or voided if Carrier fails to meet the requirements of Saia Xtreme Assurance guarantee.

  3. Saia Xtreme Assurance guarantee covers only pre-paid Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) shipments to Walmart and/or Sams DC locations.

  4. Saia Xtreme Assurance applies to delivery within normal business transit days (Monday through Friday). Should a required delivery date fall on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), please reach out to our Custom Solutions Team at 888-999-7242.

  5. The scheduled delivery date for additional day of service zips reflect the additional day (s) transit as noted. Please visit for transit times on additional service day points.


  1. Appointments arranged by the Consignee for dates beyond the scheduled service date will override Saia Xtreme Assurance guarantee.

  2. Shipments that are reconsigned, the charge for provisions in this item will be cancelled and no guarantee will be offered.

  3. Shipments requiring protection from freezing.


In the event the carrier fails to deliver the shipment by the last day of the customer designated delivery window, the customer may file for reimbursement of the freight charges within 15 days from the last day of the guarantee window. The request for invoice adjustment can be made by submitting an email to [email protected].

If the consignee refuses the shipment or is unable to receive the shipment up to 5 p.m. of the last day of the customer-defined window, the freight charges in its entirety (including the XA upcharge) will still apply; however, the guarantee will not apply. The delivery receipt and/or electronic delivery information will be used to identify when the shipment was tendered for delivery.

Shipments requiring storage will begin at 7 a.m. the second business day, following standard transit date, based on normal transit standards. Storage charges apply to business days only. If the first date in the window delivery is within two business days of standard transit date, then no charge will apply. Storage charges will accrue to the payor of the freight charges. For more information regarding storage and on-hand freight, please review the Saia 170 D rules tariff Item 910-On Hand and Storage which is available to the general public at

If a shipment is delivered with exception (shortage or damages still subject to freight liability as outlined in the Saia 170 D rules tariff Item 108 Carrier Liability for Cargo Loss and Damage which is available to the general public at, or any applicable customer-specific contract liability clauses. In all cases of freight loss or damage, a claim must be filed with the Saia Claims Department.

The guarantee and additional charges will still apply in the event the carrier is unable to deliver this shipment within the time and date specified due to causes beyond the control of the carrier, including but not limited to: Acts of God; Acts or omissions by shipper, consignee, owner of goods or public authority; the existence of violence or such possible disturbances creating reasonable apprehension of danger; the public enemy; government regulations; orders or requirements; riots; severe weather or other disasters that disrupt ground transportation networks; strikes or labor disputes.

Saia will not be liable for any consequential or special damages, including and not limited to charge backs, brokerage fees, lost profits, attorneys fees, if it fails to deliver all or part of this shipment or fails to meet the agreed date and time of the delivery.