ITEM 1001 Density - Method of Determining

  1. Where rates are applicable according to the density of articles as tendered for shipment, the word "density" means "pounds per cubic foot". The cubage of loose articles or pieces, or packaging articles shall be determined by multiplying the greatest straight-line dimensions (not circumferential) of length, width and depth in inches, including all projections, and dividing by 1728 cubic inches (one cubic foot). The density shall be the result of the division of the weight per article piece or package by the cubage ascertained.

  2. The weight per cubic foot relates to the density of each shipping package or piece and not to the shipment as a whole.

  3. The vertical dimension (or height) of not less than 96 inches shall be used in determining the cube of any unit on top of which other freight cannot be loaded because of:

    1. The nature of the article; or,
    2. Packaging of lack of packaging, used; or,
    3. Palletized in "pyramided", "rounded off" or "topped off" manner; or,
    4. Specific instructions by the shipper on the bill of lading, or by the consignee, to the effect that no other freight is to be loaded on the top of the article.

  4. When the width of an article is equal to or greater than 70 inches, it will be computed as having a width of 96 inches.