ITEM 670-25 Over Dimension Freight

  1. Shipments consisting of such articles will receive the following fee, per shipment, in addition to all other lawfully published rates and/or charges. Such shipments will require an additional day of service.

  2. Article LengthsPer Shipment Fee
    8 feet but < 12 feet
    12 feet but < 16 feet
    16 feet but < 20 feet
    20 feet and greater

  3. Shipments requiring procurement of special permits because of their weight and/or shipments containing articles exceeding 28 feet in length, or 9 feet in height, or 8 feet in width (any of the above dimensions singly or combined) will not be accepted except by special arrangement with the Carrier and pursuant to rates agreed to by the Carrier.

  4. This item will not apply on shipments subject to EXCLUSIVE USE, CAPACITY LOAD, OR CUBIC CAPACITY AND DENSITY rules, or to TL or volume rates and charges.